Thank you for Co-Producing with us the film series 9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom — intended not only to wake up the public, but also to be placed right in front of a Special Grand Jury for ultimate justice for the 9/11 victims, family members, and indeed for the whole world.
We’ve been working on this mega-film project well more than a year now — and you have made it possible. I’ve been working hand-in-hand with our editor “Stev” in Australia to bring to you the most comprehensive body of evidence assembled for the explosive destruction of the 3 World Trade Center Skyscrapers on 9/11. We’ve broken it down — evidence section by evidence section, and it’s expanded into more than two dozen episodes. You’ll be able to reference any episode to make your particular point in your 9/11 discussion, whether in person or online!
This incredible docufilm series is produced by the very fortunate partnering of the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry with Richard Gage, AIA, Architect. Each of the episodes in the series, following Episode 1, features LC911’s Litigation Director, attorney Mick Harrison, in concert with Richard Gage and his team of experts. They are brought into the Board Room to present the forensic and video evidence, and eyewitness testimony, to our stand-in Grand Jurors.
Mick will provide legal assessment of that evidence, along with his advice to the Grand Jurors about what that evidence actually means for them, and what their rights, opportunities, and duties are — specifically with regard to that evidence.
Episode #1 — Public Orientation begins as Richard and Mick introduce the film event — right on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington DC — where the legal battle to force the U.S. Attorney in the Southern District of New York to turn over the 60 Exhibits of WTC evidence to a Special Grand Jury, was wrongly decided against the family members, building experts, and first responders due to “Lack of Standing.” This absurd ruling is being challenged by them in the next series of legal efforts by LC911, as Mick explains in front of our next on-location venue, the U.S. District Court — also in DC.
We then work our way up DC’s famous “K Street” to the high-rise home of the Board Room, where the remainder of this monumental project is filmed. We take our seats and introduce ourselves, our goals with the film project, and some of our evidence, to the jurors and to the public. But equally important, we invite the entire 9/11 Truth Movement, along with interested newcomers to this information, into the actual Grand Jury process as virtual stand-in grand jurors.
You’ll be invited to listen carefully to the evidence provided in the next 2-dozen episodes, and assess it. Mick encourages you at the end of this introductory episode to consider providing your own assessments, feedback, and suggestions for additional experts and documents, to submit to the actual Grand Jury for their future proceedings.
Keep in mind that the following episodes in the series will indeed be properly re-formatted for submission to the actual Grand Jury, via a federal judge, along with the 60 Exhibits assembled by the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry. We will not stop until this happens. It is our mission. And you are making that mission possible! We thank you from deep within our hearts for making this your mission as well.
Episode #2 — begins as Mick and Richard take their seats in front of the stand-in Grand Jury and introduce them to our cause — and they begin the process of delivering the evidence. They start with the third skyscraper to be destroyed on 9/11 — World Trade Center 7 — and it wasn’t hit by a plane. Indeed, we will spend the next dozen episodes on this subject . . . I told you, we’re going deep. Buckle up.
Get ready to meet the nemesis of the series — Shyam Sunder — NIST’s Project Leader. NIST is the National Institute of Standards and Technology, which was tasked by Congress to explain the three “collapses” to the American People. Everyone else took a step back, leaving Mr. Sunder “volunteering” for the unenviable position of explaining The Impossible to, fortunately for him, a mostly sleeping engineering community.
(For more on this sorry subject be sure to see AE911Truth’s legal battle with NIST, and Roland Angle’s excellent exposure of the complicity of ranking members in the engineering community.)
Episode #3 — takes the Grand Jury deep into the fires of WTC 7, which NIST claimed caused their manufactured “progressive collapse.”
Episode #4 — provides the Grand Jury with an understanding of typical controlled demolitions and why the collapse of WTC 7 just might not be caused by fires. Here’s a taste of what they will experience in this episode — in this case a clip from Ken Jenkins’ recent film documenting David Ray Griffin’s epic book and presentation on WTC 7:
Episode #5 — Sudden Onset of Collapse reveals to the Grand Jury that NIST committed outright fraud with regard to their false claim that Building 7 did not collapse suddenly. David Chandler, in particular, completely disabuses the jurors of that fanciful notion — showing instead how the building moves from a motionless state to downward motion instantly and uniformly, across the 100 yard length of the building:
Episode #6 — The Symmetrical Collapse of Building 7 is also expected to startle the Grand Jury. It is impossible by natural phenomena, like fire. This is explained clearly to the jurors by 40-year Structural Engineer Steven Dusterwald who, along with others such as professor Leroy Hulsey term this a “global collapse,” and explain clearly, even to “lay” people, that in order for the building to fall symmetrically, all 82 columns in the building, must have been removed — at once — starting with the interior columns, and then after a second or so, the exterior ones. “Ladies and gentleman of the Grand Jury, does fire have that level of precision?”
Episode #7 — A Patterned Removal of Column Supports is the only way in which a building can be brought down symmetrically. Explosives loader Tom Sullivan, who worked for three years at Controlled Demolition, Inc. — the premier building implosion company in the world — shows the Grand Jury exactly how that is accomplished in the industry that he was employed in:
Episode #8 — The Free-Fall Acceleration of WTC 7 should also be of great interest in these proceedings as the grand jury makes its way through this vast body of evidence in search of indictments. Structural Engineer Kamal Obeid will help them to understand that steel columns always have at least 1/4 of their strength remaining — even after they begin to buckle. Steven Dusterwald explains this point so clearly that even Shyam Sunder can understand it:
Episode #9 — The Total Dismemberment of the Structural Steel Frame will be amply demonstrated in the proceedings. We had in Building 7 a moment-resisting steel-framed building with welded column to beam connections and a braced-framed structure that fell, like Lincoln Logs (remember those?), into a pile four to six stories tall, like a house of cards. We show the jurors that buildings which fall from natural causes are recognizable as a building. The columns and beams are not severed one from another. The concrete is not pulverized to fine powder./
Episode #10 — Limited Damage to Adjacent Buildings is certainly one of the goals of controlled demolition, and the Grand Jury will see that that goal has been met with the implosion of Building 7 as well. The center of the pile is in the center of the building’s footprint. There is relatively minor damage to the nearby Post Office and Verizon building — given that a 47 story skyscraper just collapsed across the street.
Episode #11 — Sounds of Explosions Heard by Credible Witnesses will be conveyed in the jury Board Room as well. They will hear from a half-dozen such witnesses, including one — Bill Rizotti — who was close enough to see flashes of light. NIST says there are no such witnesses. They even attempt to discredit the testimony of Barry Jennings and Michael Hess who were trapped in the building and injured by explosions inside the building — before the Towers came down.
Episode #12 — Pyroclastic-Like Clouds of Pulverized Concrete (i.e., like from a volcano) are one of the signature elements to watch out for per the National Fire Protection Associations “Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigation.” It says to be aware of large volumes of gas and the large amount of heat released in chemical explosions — causing rapidly expanding plumes of hot gases. This is exactly what was observed directly after the collapse of the building, racing away at 35mph from the falling building, in cauliflower shaped form expanding rapidly, many times larger than the building. The jurors will be shown that an intense massive heat source was the cause, the source of which must wait for the next episode.
Episode #13 — Extreme Heat in the aftermath of WTC 7’s Destruction is perhaps the most disturbing evidence of all that the Grand Jurors will have to come to grips with. Pools of molten steel or iron confronted the first responders who declared that it was “flowing like lava down the channel rails” [I-beams].
We see in the photos the excavator buckets picking up material out of which is pouring molten metal. More molten metal is even seen pouring out of the South Tower moments before its collapse. What amounted to several tons of previously molten iron microspheres, were discovered and documented by the USGS and RJ Lee.
Several tons of dual-layered red/gray chips of nano-thermite (incendiaries) were discovered and documented, by an international team of scientists, in the peer-reviewed paper “Active Thermitic Materials in the World Trade Center Dust” published in 2009 in the Bentham Open Chemical Physics Journal.
Episode #14 — The NIST Computer Modeling turns out to be quite fraudulent and is exposed by structural engineers to the Grand Jury — including the excellent work of Professor Leroy Hulsey, one of the top forensics structural engineers in the country, who chaired the Civil Engineering Dept. at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) for most of his life. He performed the analysis that Congress had tasked NIST to do, but which we expect the Grand Jurors will determine failed miserably. The UAF team exposed at least a dozen points of what turns out to be fraud on the part of NIST’s Computer Modeling, including the omission of key structural components — any of which would have prevented their fragile theory of collapse initiation — which we expose completely in the Board Room.
15. The Illegal Destruction of Evidence in a Crime Scene will surely raise eyebrows in these proceedings. The Grand Jury will realize that 400 loaded truckloads per day were sent out of the WTC starting just 2 weeks after 9/11, and put on barges to be sent to China for recycling — before investigators could get their hands on it and do a proper forensic examination.
The Next 15 Episodes – dive right into the individual sections of evidence for the very explosive destruction of the Twin Towers.
It’s the long haul here with 9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom. Can you handle it?! We can!
We’ll just give you a little taste of what’s to come, with the explosiveness of the Twin Towers’ destruction:
And they call it a collapse! Actually, the evidence for the explosive destruction of the Twin Towers is far greater and more irrefutable than that for Building 7!
So, there will be as many episodes for the Twin Towers as there are for Building 7. We anticipate about 30 episodes in the C2C series altogether. We hope to complete about one every week. We should have them all completed in Spring of 2025.
At that time we will also issue a 3-DVD album of episodes that will have been condensed down to the essentials for easier public access and viewing. We will also place them up on many different streaming platforms — both subscription, like Amazon, and ad-based, like Tubi.
It’s a lot of work, but it’s for the 9/11 victims and their family members who deserve justice and accountability. We will never stop until we achieve these goals. Won’t you join us?
We hope you enjoy Episode 1 of 9/11 Crime Scene to Courtroom as much as we enjoyed creating it for you! We also hope that you will share it widely. Everyone deserves to know the truth.