Daniel Noël
“Many conspiracy activists still hope that judges will solve 9/11. ‘Crime Scene to Courtroom’ will force the judiciary to crack 9/11 open…or reveal itself as another shamefully corrupt entity. Either way, truth stands to win big and the world to take another step away from unchecked rule by essential psychopaths and similarly dangerous mental deviants.”
Brad T.
“I’m excited about the upcoming film series. Since it focuses on the evidence as well as justice in the courts, we may have just what the 9/11 Truth Movement has been waiting for – for decades now.”
Tim S.
“OK – a new group of technical experts and eyewitness first responders. That is refreshing.”
Roger P.
“Go Mick Harrison! We’ve been waiting to get you in front of the Grand Jury. Can’t wait to see it.”
Raul M.
“Having seen the preview introduction I can see that ‘9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom’ already seems to have the quality and production value that will get more attention. I’ll pass it around for sure.”
Christopher A.
“Can’t wait to hear what explosives expert Mark Lillie says about the forensic evidence of thermite found in the WTC dust.”
Ian N.
“Gage never stops. Somebody watch over him!”
J. Olson
“This series seems to bring it all together on one site. There is so much data to scrutinize and analyze. Thank you for bringing all this together and assembling all you have gathered. Having a background in structural firefighting and also basic training as a hazardous device technician, I definitely concur with this group of hard working professionals and associates. This is truly a David vs. Goliath situation and you are on the side of the truth! May God bless your efforts.”
Eva C.
“Thank you so much Mr. Gage for not giving up! I remember that horrific day like it was yesterday and thought America lost its innocence and freedom for good, the America I once knew died. I believed the official story, until pre-Covid. I think America is ready for the truth and the innocent victims who died in an unimaginable way that day, deserve justice. I am looking forward to the next episodes.”
Gilberto Barros
“Extraordinary evidence”
“BRAVO. The music, A Spark Of Hope by Emmanuel Jacob, is hauntingly gorgeous. The filming by Michele Lastella and his crew, including film editor Stev Cintury, is topnotch. The look of the ‘9/11’ lettering in the title is gripping. The scenes (Supreme Court, Capitol, streets, etc.) around DC are striking. The two presenters, Richard and Mick, are thoroughly professional: well-dressed and well-spoken. The way they lay out the upcoming episodes in Episode #1’s public orientation is easy to understand. The subject matter is compelling, even 23 years after this monumental, world-changing event. And now, thanks to the Vimeo video, the photography is clear and sharp (instead of fuzzy, as the premiere unfortunately was). Richard and Gail, thanks for working so hard on what is a truly superb introduction to ‘9/11: CRIME SCENE TO COURTROOM.'”
Randall Klein
“Your tireless efforts to expose the true events of 9/11 is a huge part of the current great awakening in our nation and across all of western civilization. Thank you for your dedication to Freedom and Liberty. I know that you will never give up. You will never turn back. You will bear the flame of freedom unto your victory.”
“This really needs to be watched by the younger generations to ensure they understand 9/11 and just the level of public deceit and deception that our Government’s and Corporation’s have continually resorted to over the past 100+ years.”
Rob Giblin
“Wow! I find this content extremely explosive (no pun intended). Thank you so very much for all the hours required in bringing about this Case, with all that’s going on in the World today I never envisioned seeing something of this magnitude placed in my lap. Nothing But Compelling evidence from the very beginning til the very end, preying God Speed in seeing Justice for all involved in this insanity 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾- much love and respect from Australia.”
Michael Murray
“Thank you for your painstaking and tireless work to bring the truth of 9/11 to a mass audience. Your dedication to the truth of this horrific false flag event is greatly appreciated and among the most important work that can be done today. You are doing God’s work exposing these incredibly hard truths. It is through a loud and persistent minority that the majority will awaken to the truth of that fateful day and the world will be able to heal and change for the better! 9/11 truth must be told: a monumental crime and cover-up by elements within our own government/intel agencies. Thank you for speaking truth, gentlemen!”
“Great material, concise and compelling.”
Richard Donaldson
“I’ve only watched the video about the demolition of 1, 2, and 7. Some horses are too dead to beat, and the ugly facts that people haven’t yet seen should be published. I have a photo of an airliner that’s missing its left wing. Measurements show that these planes were flying 150 kt. faster than their maximum speed when near sea level. The phone calls, the Israelis, PNAC, black boxes, no planes at the crash sites, the absence of an investigation, Michael Chertoff, Armed Forces’ complicity in 9/11 and anthrax attack, and Guiliani’s coverup and as an accessory after the fact, the innocence of the “hijackers and OBL, Almost everybody has heard of and discounted the controlled demolition aspects of 9/11 […]”
Dennis OKeefe
“Very interesting. I’m looking forward to seeing the evidence and am open to the suggestion that there was outside influence the way this unfolded.”
Derrick Maurice
“Looking forward to it. So much goes that the general public finds difficult to believe.”
Leendert Bijl
“Very important, if we hold on [and] ask questions, the Truth will set us free from all false claims about 9/11!”